DAN BARRY (1923-1997) began working as a comic book artist in 1941. He worked on Airboy, Blue Bolt, and Doc Savage. From 1947 to 1948, he drew the Tarzan comic strip. In 1951 Barry revived the Flash Gordon comic strip for King Features Syndicate, which he wrote and illustrated until 1990.
BOB FUJITANI (Bob Fuje) (b. 1920) was a prolific artist during the Golden Age of Comics, working for many comic book publishers such as Avon, Dell, Lev Gleason, and Quality. He joined Dan Barry on the Flash Gordon comic strip during the late 1960s as an inker. In the 1990s, Fujitani worked on the Rip Kirby comic strip.
This is the original art to a Flash Gordon comic strip daily dated 11-9-74. This piece is in excellent condition, and has a image area of 13" x 3.75".
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